Friday, January 8, 2010

Youth Draft!!!

What is a Youth Draft?
Coaches/Captains will be selected or volunteer to manage a team. They will alternate picks as in a Sports Draft by picking other youth to be on their team. People will get credit for being at services, events, bringing their Bible, etc. Teams will compete to beat the other teams.

How Long Does it Last?
For two months the teams will compete to win the matchup. After two months, new coaches/captains will be selected to start new teams.

What is the Purpose?
To help increase our youth ministry, spiritually and numerically, we are challenging the youth department to reach out to friends, classmates, family, and others and bring them to church. By doing so we pray that these new people will develop a relationship with Christ and become active members of our youth ministry.

What is the Grand Prize?
The winners will go out to eat as a team for FREE!


Unknown said...

Yes, this is a competition but at the same time its not all about winning, this is a good way to grow our youth ministry and help in a way to reach to our friends and family. This a good way to get together and have fun competing and serving our Lord. So well done to our youth pastor Darren Lemons on planning this event and competition. P.S. if your curently not on a team or are interested definitely be encouraged to join because you are welcomed!

Sean Belknap said...

When trying to invite people and bring people to church, most of the time people will say yes, it's just a matter of asking. While trying to make the Youth Ministry grow don't try to do it on your own. Pray about it, ask God to bring people into the group who can grow spiritually and have an awesome relationship with Him!!