Monday, February 8, 2010

4 weeks Remaining!!!

The Heroes are ahead of the Crusaders.

The top 10 individuals right now are in order:

1. Eddie Arreola (Same)
2. Sean Belknap (Same)
3. Hillary Prewitt (Moved from 8 to 3)
4. Paul Serrato (Moved from 7 to 4)
5. Mandie Tippit (Moved from 3 to 5)
6. Seth Prewitt (Same)
7. Andrea Tippit (Moved from 4 to 7)
8. Ariel Tippit (Moved from 5 to 8)
9. Daniel Lamb (Moved from 10 to 9)
10. Beth Hart (Moved from 11 to 10)

Great job everyone. Remember services and events this week are:
Wednesday, February 3rd (Love Conquers All )
Sunday, February 14th (Sunday School)
Sunday, February 14th (Sunday Morning Service)
Sunday, February 14th (Deliver Gifts to Widows)
Sunday, February 14th (Sunday Bible Study)
Sunday, February 14th (Sunday Night Service)

Several of you are not far off. Keep working on bringing people and make sure you are at church. Don't forget to let me know if you are tithing. Also, make sure to leave comments on facebook and respond to the blogs.


Sean Belknap said...

Awesome job everyone keep up the great work!! Good job to everyone who worked or dressed up for the I Love Jesus banquet!!